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Polymorph maritime domain awareness software, IORIS, enters Phase II

Posted on September 18th 2019

Maritime domain awareness software, IORIS, which is helping to combat human trafficking, drugs trafficking, illegal fishing, piracy, and natural disasters in the Indian Ocean region enters Phase II.

Polymorph, the company that provide organisations with transformational solutions across software, security, cloud and telecoms has hosted an international technical meeting at their offices in The Heath Business and Technical Park, Runcorn, to launch Phase II of IORIS, their maritime domain awareness software which is helping to combat human trafficking, drugs trafficking, illegal fishing, piracy, and natural disasters in the Indian Ocean region.

The EU CRIMARIO project, managed by Expertise France and funded by the European Union, strengthens maritime safety and security. IORIS is a communication platform for the Indian Ocean maritime centres, national agencies, navy, coastguard and maritime police to share information, identify threats and intercept illegal activities.

Phase 1 of IORIS launched in September 2018 in the Seychelles and since then has been successfully managing, in real time, incidents and sea events in many national or regional theatres by successfully sharing documents and information and using nautical charts and comprehensive geo mapping tools to locate and intercept illegal activity.

David Nattrass, EU Crimario Information Sharing Manager & IORIS Project Manager said: “IORIS is the result of an exceptional collaboration with regional partners and our developer, Polymorph. Since the launch of IORIS in the Seychelles in September 2018 we have conducted extensive training and use of the platform throughout the region, culminating in the U.S. led Cutlass Express exercise in January and February 2019 <which is designed to assess and improve combined maritime law enforcement capacity, promote national and regional security in East Africa>.”

Dave continues: “Phase II of IORIS focuses on an evolution of the platform based on the regional feedback over the past year through exercising and operational use. IORIS is now in its final year of implementation and our objective now is to transfer the ownership of the platform to the region.”

Polymorph Managing Director Steve Harris said: “IORIS has been a fantastic initiative to be part of. Polymorph exist to create digital solutions on behalf of organisations to help them achieve whatever their objectives are. In this instance the IORIS platform helps facilitate and encourage information and knowledge sharing for the greater good. We’ve used cloud technologies to help facilitate a solution that is low cost, sustainable and easy to maintain, which will hopefully be used successfully for many years to come.”