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Housing providers have access to a myriad of data on their tenants and their properties. But for this data to provide real value it needs to be accessible, giving employees the insight they need to make more informed decisions, fast.

Faced with growing challenges from funding constraints to regulatory compliance, financial clarity has never been more important. Now, more than ever, housing associations need to be able to see the bigger picture so that they can make agile decisions with confidence.

The good news is that you can quickly create Power BI reports to get the insight you need.

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Get the data you need…fast

Hampered by silos, legacy systems and disparate sources – the data challenges facing housing associations can feel insurmountable. But by adopting a fresh approach that harnesses the latest tools you can start accessing the financial data you need within a matter of weeks.

Unlock the power of real-time intelligence

Thanks to Microsoft Fabric you can spend less time managing your financial data and more time unlocking its value. This agile AI-driven platform can collect data from any source, drawing together your most important financial information before visualising it in easy-to-use dashboards using Power BI.

Because data flows are built using existing sources from within your current ecosystem, housing associations can unlock critical insights without expensive or time-consuming implementation processes.

8 insights your data can deliver

Want to know how you could put your information to work? In this guide you’ll find examples of real dashboards that housing associations are using to bring their data to life.

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