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10 Cybersecurity Recommendations You Need To Be Implementing

Posted on November 14th 2019

Today’s businesses are more security conscious than ever. They know just how serious the consequences of a breach are. To make sure their data is protected, businesses will spend an estimated $124 billion on cybersecurity this year.

Even with so much money invested on defences, major businesses like Capital One, Toyota and Canva have experienced huge data breaches in 2019. The methods of attack are always evolving, so it’s important you implement these cybersecurity recommendations to reduce risk.

Is Your Data Protected?

1. Start with a Full Security Audit

Cybersecurity should have board-level consideration, it’s not just a job for the IT team. Before any decisions are made, it’s important to carry out a thorough analysis of your whole IT infrastructure. Identify possible vulnerabilities and determine the existing processes that are in place. It’s good to have an initial benchmark to work from before carrying out improvements. Then, carry out the same review once all changes have been implemented so that you have a new benchmark to work from.

2. Does Your Software Need a Patch?

Hackers are finding new ways to access the software that your business relies on. They’re constantly working to break its defences and find exploits they can take advantage of. When an exploit is fixed, a patch is deployed that includes the fix. Fail to patch your systems and the exploit will still be live and accessible for hackers.

3. Know the Importance of Your Emails

Research has found that a massive 91% of all cyberattacks can be traced back to a phishing email. Whether it’s a harmful link or a dangerous attachment, all staff need to be careful when opening emails. Don’t neglect your email security and ensure that filters and checks are in place to stop potentially malicious emails from reaching staff inboxes.

4. Don’t Forget About Mobile Security

Your staff aren’t just accessing work from their computers – they’re now using their mobiles too. You need to ensure that staff can use applications and work on files via their smartphones without a breach occurring. Think about whether they use a shared device which runs the risk of business data being accessed by unauthorised users, or if they connect to public WiFi when working remotely. Then, take the necessary steps to protect your business, like device encryption, application policies and mobile device management.

5. Protecting Corporate Systems

Firewalls are an essential place to start when reviewing your existing security. They’re the first security system that will detect unauthorised access to your network. If your firewall is operating on older technology, then it’s less likely to monitor the network successfully. For example, can your firewall scan inside HTTPS traffic? It might be that you need to upgrade your firewall to reduce the risk of a breach.

6. Backup Data to Make Disaster Recovery Easier

Review your existing data backup process to determine how effective it is. Where’s the data stored and how quick and easy will it be to recover it in the event of a disaster? The right backup solution will ensure your data is protected and make it easier for your business to return to normal in the event of a disaster or business downtime.

7. Carry Out Security Tests

The most useful way of evaluating your IT security is by carrying out penetration testing. Actively challenge your network to see how robust it is versus different methods of cyberattack. This is a great way of spotting vulnerabilities and checking to see how your business would cope in an actual breach scenario.

8. Prevent Access Via Encryption

By encrypting your sensitive data and business information, you make it much harder for hackers to access them. As part of your regular security checks, you can check in on the status of your device encryption by accessing real-time information. Whatever you need to protect, encryption is an added level of security that reduces the risk of a breach.

9. Staff are the First Line of Defence

No matter how many security measures you have in place, human error can undo them all in just one click or tap. Think about how often staff take work home, access files via public WiFi or send the wrong attachment to someone. We recommend that you regularly hold training sessions to make sure your staff know the importance of good email practices, software patches and other essential security tips.

10. Consider a Security Partner

This is by no means an exhaustive list of cybersecurity recommendations but there are already quite a few steps you can take to ensure your business is protected. Security is just one part of your role but to avoid any possible problems, it’s an area you’ll have to dedicate a lot of time to.

Or, you could have that time to focus on strategic work and take advantage of a security partner like BCN Group. Let our skilled experts share in the responsibility of your business’ security and monitor your network remotely.

We can make sure all of the recommendations mentioned in this blog are implemented and more – carrying out a full security audit to see where possible vulnerabilities currently exist. We eat, sleep and breathe cybersecurity so we’re always up-to-date on the latest methods of attack and how to protect against them.

For the full list of our cybersecurity recommendations, make sure to download our Total Protection Suite Checklist to see how effective your current security processes are. Tick off each security tip and you’ll have taken the necessary steps to ensure your business has the ultimate defence from malicious attacks.

See How an MSP can Improve Your Security Measures

If you don’t have the time to work through each of the security recommendations or you’re currently recovering from a period of downtime caused by a breach, then it’s time you made your life easier with cyber security support from BCN Group.

As your partner, we’ll assist with more than just security if necessary. We take the time to understand your business and the specific challenges your IT faces on a daily basis. Then, our experts design creative and bespoke solutions that resolve these issues and give you the time and freedom to focus your efforts elsewhere.

Discover the wide-reaching benefits of an MSP now by downloading our benefits guide now.