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EasySPC: Release Notes

Posted by Rowan Gill on May 1st 2023

EasySPC: Release notes


At BCN we’re constantly evolving and improving our statistical analysis tool, EasySPC, to deliver better results for our customers. Here’s the details of our latest releases, the new and improved features as well as the fixes. May 2023

New + Improved

  • Added ability to set US date formats
  • Added option to enable MDC icons and MDC data point colours independently from each other when using the XmR or XbarS charts
  • Added ability to annotate second chart when using the XmR or XbarS charts
  • Added ability to ghost data points on second chart
  • Can now set UCL to 100% on processes with 100% as the maximum value
  • Can set LCL to zero if negative values are impossible


  • Highest value was obscured by title or plot area
  • Data point no longer hidden by Quick chart settings menu
  • Run chart was not picking up and highlighting shifts with rule formatting
  • Second chart rules highlighting violations on the top chart when using XmR or XbarS charts
  • Control limits not showing on 2nd chart when using XmR or XbarS charts August 2022

New + Improved

  • If you enable MDC icons the desired direction of travel icon will now use MDC colours
  • If you enable MDC icons the datapoints now use MDC colours based upon your desired direction of travel
  • Added tooltips to the MDC icons
  • Added Segoe UI as a font option
  • You can now set the location of the target label to appear either to the left or right hand side of the chart
  • Added the ability to set the number of decimal places shown on the y axis independently of the overall chart decimal place setting
  • When turning the target line on the new default is for it to appear as an in-chart target line
  • Added a new label setting to allow you to hide negative LCL labels
  • Added the ability to set the start location of scrolling charts to ither the left or right
  • Added the ability to set a baseline based on the number of datapoints in addition to selecting the baseline datapoint


  • PV charts that are supplied with null denominators will now show a friendly error message rather than a blank visual
  • If axis titles are used, we have added some additional padding to avoid an issue where the title could overlap the axis values
  • You can now use a target measure that only contains partial data which allows for partial target lines
  • If in-chart target line is set to a value off the scale of the chart the chart will now auto scale to include it in view