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Working with BCN Group: 6 Benefits of Cloud Computing

Posted on January 1st 1970

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The latest research from the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) has revealed that the overall cloud adoption rate in the UK now stands at 88%. With so many solutions available, it’s no surprise that many businesses have switched already. If you’re still undecided, then here are just some of the key benefits of migrating and how BCN Group can help.

  1. Flexible and Scalable Cloud Storage
  2. An Effective Cloud Telephony Solution
  3. Create a More Productive Team With a Software Suite
  4. Combat Potential Breaches With Mobile Device Management
  5. An Accessible Cloud Platform
  6. Effective Disaster Recovery With Cloud Remote Backup


1. Flexible and Scalable Cloud Storage

In most cases, traditional storage solutions can hold your business back as they’re outdated, less secure and worse for productivity. What you pay for is what you get, so if there’s storage space you don’t need any more, it’ll still come out of your budget.

Cloud storage, on the other hand, is more flexible and elastic. It’s scalable so you can change usage to meet your unique demands – even if they regularly change. If you start small and need to grow steadily, you have the freedom to increase as you go along. The same applies if you ever need to downsize.

At BCN Group, we don’t immediately shift everything over to the cloud. We’re fully aware that it’s not the best solution for every business, so our experts will come in and analyse your entire infrastructure. This includes analysing your environment to determine when the usage peaks are each month.

The end of the month usually sees more activity. If this is the case with your organisation, then we can recommend the right solution for you. By knowing when usage is high, it allows you to take advantage of the cloud’s scalability and as you can adapt storage space, it can cut costs as well.

2. An Effective Cloud Telephony Solution

Cloud telephony is designed to make lives easier. Its effective and easy-to-use features keep your team productive, without being tied to their desks. With the right solution, your business can benefit from greater flexibility, as staff can work at a time when they want – where they want.

It also means you’ll have access to the latest features, you won’t deal with hardware or equipment issues, you’ll benefit from flexible contracts and you aren’t tied to a physical location. However, how effective your cloud telephone solution depends on the provider you choose.

Some providers will sell the same solution to every business without considering what works for their specific requirements. That’s not how we operate at BCN Group. We’ll come in and carry out a thorough analysis of your existing system.

Doing this allows us to formulate the best solution for your business. As it’s tailored to your specific requirements, you can be sure that the cloud telephone offering will be designed to help overcome any challenges that you face – such as remote working.

3. Create a More Productive Team With a Software Suite

Working with a cloud software suite ensures that your business benefits from the latest features and updates. An example of this is Office 365, with many already making the switch as Microsoft Exchange 2010 nears end of life. By working with BCN Group to roll out Office 365 in your organisation, you’ll give your team access to a solution that allows them to work on an innovative system, wherever they are.

The expertise we have means you’ll access a wide pool of knowledge that makes the implementation process more straightforward. We’ve carried out countless Office 365 migrations so we know the best way to prepare to help you avoid any teething problems or further issues down the line.

The added benefit of working with BCN Group is that you can give your in-house team valuable time back to focus on other responsibilities, especially since they’ll need to help meet the other IT demands of your business. While they’re busy focusing on those tasks, our skills ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

When it comes to migrating to Office 365, we’ll manage the entire process, from initial planning and discovery right through to implementation and ongoing support. We’re also on hand to upskill your in-house team so we can share these important learnings and help them grow.

4. Combat Potential Breaches With Mobile Device Management

Remote working is on the rise and staff no longer stick to the traditional 9-5. They also don’t always use their work computer when they need to access files or check their emails. Technology has given them the freedom to use devices like smartphones and tablets on-the-go.

However, there’s a risk of potential breaches without a mobile device management solution in place. They might be connected to public WiFi while accessing vital business files or even share their device with others.

Work with BCN Group to implement a robust cloud mobile device management solution.

We can help work out what’s best for your needs as well as educate your team on the possible dangers. This will empower your users to access company data while on the move from mobile devices, safe in the knowledge that they won’t contribute to the business’ security being compromised.

5. An Accessible Cloud Platform

Bringing the cloud into your business doesn’t need to be a daunting prospect. By working with our experts at BCN Group, we can make the switch a reality. We’ve successfully implemented the Microsoft Azure cloud platform for many organisations, helping them connect, build and run their business applications and services in one place.

You can benefit from Azure’s 99% uptime and unrivalled security accreditations. Combine this with our knowledge and expertise, and you can have peace of mind that your infrastructure will be accessible from any location on any device while remaining secure.

The issue with Azure is that it can be a complicated solution and difficult to get your head around. The terminology, the options, the calculator – it can result in you and your team spending a lot of time trying to understand what everything is, rather than actually benefitting from the solution.

We’re here to alleviate you from that time-consuming task. By working with you, we’ll understand your specific needs and then present you with the right solution to suit your requirements. While our expert cloud engineers are busy building your perfect infrastructure and hosting platform, you can utilise your valuable time on other top-level projects.

6. Effective Disaster Recovery With Cloud Remote Backup

Without planning in advance, downtime can affect any business of any size at any time. If downtime stops your business from operating as normal, then there are productivity, financial and reputational damages you need to think about.

That’s unless you work with an MSP like BCN Group. We can implement a cloud remote backup solution that offers simple and effective disaster recovery.

With this solution, data is much easier to recover. Plus, you won’t need regular assistance from third-party providers as you’ll recover back to the cloud, rather than on-premise hardware. So, to prepare for a possible period of downtime in the most effective way, consider working with BCN Group.

Think of our pool of experts as your safety net that allows you to stay in control. We’ve done this successfully for many businesses and have implemented processes and procedures, such as ISO:9001 and the ITIL framework. Our cloud remote backup solutions ensure that your business can cope with network outages so that you stay up and running – without suffering a drop in productivity.

Make the Switch to the Cloud With Help From BCN Group

At BCN Group, we help you avoid all of the complexities associated with implementing cloud solutions. We always start by analysing existing environments before offering a solution. Then, we’ll make the relevant switches and train your staff so they’re always up to speed.

It’s all based on our best practices and the specific needs of each business, as we never implement a one-size-fits-all approach. If you want to find out more about how the cloud can help you, extra information on cloud solutions or anything else, then give one of our experts a call today.