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What are the Benefits of Outsourcing IT Support for SMEs?

Posted on July 9th 2019

Outsourcing your business’ IT can relieve the pressure and strain that’s placed on SMEs, giving your teams more time and support so they can focus on the most important projects that the business is currently working on. In this post, we’ll outline the key benefits of outsourcing IT support that will help improve your business’ productivity, widen its knowledge pool and boost overall efficiency.

Why You Should Outsource Your IT

More Time to Focus on Major Projects

If you’re responsible for IT management and support at an SME, then you likely spend a lot of your day putting out fires. Internal issues and minor frustrations can take up the majority of your time and prevent you from progressing top-level business projects that could ultimately drive growth.

With third-party support, you can hand over these micro-level tasks and issues to an MSP who can take care of them for you. This immediately clears much of your diary as well as giving you the head space and freedom to focus on what’s important to you, your team and your directors. You can then start to prioritise the projects that you’ve been neglecting because of time and resource constraints.

You’ll be able to focus on top-level work thanks to the day-to-day support being provided by an MSP, meaning that your company can run at optimum efficiency. Because IT managers and specialists can be more involved in larger scale work, they’re then able to add much more value to the company and have a real chance of furthering their careers.

Outsourcing doesn’t replace IT managers, instead, it gives them the backing to move themselves and the business forward.

If there is any resistance from senior management, then simply being able to have their best people working on a major project is a great way of highlighting the positive impact that outsourcing the day-to-day has had.

You’ll be able to invest your time, skills and knowledge into things more important than being in the trenches of day-to-day environment management, without any negative effects on the efficiency of daily operations or anyone’s productivity.

Increased Productivity – Even When You’re Not There

Business productivity and efficiency shouldn’t suffer or stagnate just because you’ve taken some well-earned annual leave. The same issues shouldn’t be filling your inbox after you’ve returned as before you left. SMEs often struggle to cope if even one or two team members are on holiday or out of the office.

Outsourcing your business’ IT removes any anxieties you might have regarding who will be able to cover for you and ensures issues aren’t allowed to become a serious problem while you’re gone. The last thing you need is a frantic phone call whilst trying to relax by the pool or looking to sink a winning putt.

MSPs are made up of industry experts who will effectively manage your IT, cultivate good team productivity and quickly deal with any issues that may arise. You’ll be able to spend true quality time with your friends and family, safe in the knowledge that your systems are in the best possible hands.

Exposure to a Team of Experts

As we’ve said, outsourcing gives you access to highly-specialised support and industry expertise. Their unrivalled experience has developed over years of working with businesses of different sizes across a range of industries. They’re an authority on IT and have extensive knowledge of industry best practices that they can pass on to you.

An MSP isn’t just on hand to deal with basic issues and daily operations, they can incorporate their proficiency into your wider policies, processes and procedures. They can have a positive influence on all levels of your business because they’ve been there and done it all before. They’ve made mistakes in the past and learned from them on your behalf. They’ve then evaluated what’s effective and can offer an experienced and learned service.

Leading MSPs are expert at helping SMEs to develop and reach their full potential. Every member of our team is enthusiastic about offering unwavering dedication to the growth of your business.

A Stable Environment and Robust Policies

Growing SMEs can often struggle with the constant demand from internal IT issues. Without the right processes in place, frustrations can quickly develop and lead to much wider problems that hinder business growth.

A common example is the pressure caused when onboarding new starters. You’ll know how many boxes need to be ticked when someone joins the team. Poor systems and a lack of time caused by the constant stream of internal issues can delay a new team member’s start at the business. It might take as long as a week for them to be correctly set up and assigned the right equipment.

Working in partnership with an MSP means these issues aren’t yours to think about alone. They’ll prioritise stabilising your environment and ensure that robust policies and procedures are finally created and implemented. A stable environment will allow you to unlock wider business efficiency.

This support and guidance won’t be offered with the intention of replacing any existing procedures or team members. Their task and remit is to assist with your current processes and make recommendations where appropriate. It’s not about removing a role or system that you’re currently reliant on just for the sake of it, their focus is on finding the best possible solution that will encourage efficiency and enable growth.

Start Reaping the Benefits by Outsourcing Your IT

Outsourcing your IT is a significant step in helping your business reach its full potential. Leave the stress and the worries of your IT infrastructure in the capable hands of an expert team of engineers and consultants who are determined to achieve nothing but the best for your business. You can then focus your efforts elsewhere and start taking your department and SME from strength to strength.

To see how we can help you and your business, through outsourcing IT download our free guide below.